Doctor Svetlana Anastasova is a pediatrician in Varna with more than 25 years of experience.
She graduated the Medical University of Varna in 1989. Her specialty, „Children’s diseases“, was acquired in 2000. She is a member of the European Pediatric Association (ЕРА/UNEPSA) and the National Association of Pediatric Specialists of Outpatient Care.
Dr. Anastasova started her career in the Neonatology Department at MPHAT „St. Ivan Rilski“ – Razgrad. Then she worked as a pediatrician in „Medical Centre 1“ – Dulgopol, and the Multi-profile Hospital for Active Treatment – Devnya. Since 1998 she has been working in the „Medical and Social care centre” in Varna. Since 2012 to date, she has been practising in paediatrics cabinet „Joint Pediatric Practice Ray“ – in Vinitsa, Varna.
In Children’s House „Absorbent Mind“, Dr. Anastasova takes care of the morning pass of children and controls the spread of viruses and infections. She accepts the food also exerts control over food quality and refers parents to a specialist if needed.